Jasper Dentist

Dental care

6 Ways To Keep Your Gums Healthy

Most people suffer from unhealthy gums, and once they become that way, treating them can be very costly. It is important to maintain good oral health because of this reason. In addition to your appearance, this is beneficial to your health overall.

You should pay attention to more than just the straightness of your teeth or the brightness of your smile when it comes to a healthy mouth. Your gums can’t be ignored!

Gum diseases are very common and if you do not pay attention to the same it can lead to serious issues. Oral care issues like gingivitis, periodontitis, and other periodontal diseases can affect your teeth as well as over health. 

Therefore, it is very important to take care of your teeth and overall dental health. And today we are going to discuss some ways in which keeping your gum health on track will become very simple and easy!

What is gum disease? 

Before jumping onto anything else it is very important to see why oral care issues like gingivitis, periodontitis, etc., arise or what are they: 

Everyone wants healthy teeth but periodontal diseases can affect your overall dental health. And these teeth-related issues happen because of plaque build-up under, around, and along the gum line. 

An accumulation of bacteria on the teeth is called plaque. It is sticky in nature. As a result, gum disease and tooth decay can occur, caused by infections in the teeth and bones. 

The earliest stage of gum disease is gingivitis, which is also caused by plaque. Symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • Irritation
  • Inflammation
  • tenderness
  • blood while brushing the teeth
  • Swollen gums

The good news about such oral care diseases is they are curable and you can easily reverse them. 

6 Ways To Keep Your Gums Healthy

The key to healthy gums is a good oral care routine. Here are some ways in which you can prevent the same:

Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste:

The main advantage of using fluoride toothpaste is that it prevents plaque build-up and keeps your teeth healthy, bright, and strong. In addition, it also prevents tooth decay and other severe gum issues. Therefore, you must look for fluoride when choosing toothpaste. And make sure you take the right quantity of it, not too much, not too less to ensure it is effective. 

Do gentle flossing: 

The goal of flossing is to reach the gum line, but not to dig deeply into it. It is a sign to stop when you feel pain while flossing. Flossing shouldn’t hurt. When people do not floss, their gums bleed in a few places. It doesn’t mean you’re losing your teeth, but that you need to pay more attention to your teeth. Daily flossing, or even weekly flossing, will improve this bleeding, as the gums will heal faster.

Eat balanced meals:

Your diet matters a lot to keep your gum health on track. Healthy gums can be achieved by eating proper nutritious foods. A high-fat, high-cholesterol diet, as well as junk food, is bad for your body.

Nutrition-rich foods not only make you feel better, but they also improve your appearance and make you sleep better. Regular dental visits, brushing and flossing, and maintaining a healthy diet are some of these habits that are very vital for good dental health. 

Make sure you brush twice a day:

Each meal should be followed by a dental brushing. This helps remove trapped food particles and plaque between your gums and teeth. Your tongue can also harbor bacteria, so make sure you scrub it too. You should use a toothbrush with soft bristles that fit comfortably in your mouth, 

Ensure that you have regular dental cleanings:

If you see your dentist regularly, he or she can detect early signs of gum disease. It is then possible to treat symptoms before they get more severe. Getting rid of tartar requires professional cleaning. As well as removing plaque, it can also remove any bits of food you missed while flossing or brushing. It is possible to reverse gingivitis by brushing, flossing, and having your teeth cleaned regularly.

Put money into a therapeutic mouthwash: 

In addition to preventing gum disease and reducing plaque, therapeutic mouthwashes are also effective for preventing oral cancer. In addition to protecting your teeth from plaque and tartar, some effective mouthwash also protects your teeth from stains. As an added benefit, mouthwash can assist in cleaning your teeth and gums of food debris.

Lastly, apart from these tips, it goes without saying that booking an appointment with your dentist is very vital to stay on top of your oral health game. And you must take immediate medical attention if you feel any amount of pain, swelling, or discomfort in your gums.